I am suppose to discuss the pros and cons of these three different professional portfolios. I would say that one of the benefits would be that employers and other professionals within the profession have easy access to your information. Having access to any one of these methods would also make it easy to update your information as well.
I would have to say that the down side to using these types of professional portfolios would be the exact same as the benefit. Personal information about you is very easily attainable. Once you input any type of information into a computer that is no longer confidential information. I personally am more of a private person and would prefer that information about myself or my family is not very easily accessible by just anyone.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Exploring You Tube
I am pretty familiar with You Tube. I have used it quit a bit. I have mainly used it to look at and view funny videos. The reason that I chose the video that I did is because the person in the video is a good friend of mine. We went to college together and shared a lot of the same classes. He was also a kinesiology major whereas his emphasis was more geared toward personal training while mine was in athletic training. It has been awhile since I have spoken to him and learning about the different technologies in this course have allowed me to see how far he has come in his career over the last 5 years. He has managed to start his own business and is determined to educate society about how to better themselves through a healthy lifestyle.
Library Thing Assignment
After looking on the Library Thing web page I didn't find it all that interesting. I'm not much of a reader, but I do see how it would appeal to those that like to read. As with all the other new forms of technologies that we have learned about so far in this course, I would need more time just to play around with it to see if it actually serves a useful purpose for me. It is very possible that I can utilize it to store literature in athletic training and I will definitely look into it and experiment more with it.
Generator Assignment
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Technorati Assignment
I really didn't find the technorati website interesting at all. I am not really into the blogging thing so I found it pretty difficult to search different blogs. I am not interested in making sure that my blogs go to this technorati site.
Del.icio.us Assignment
This social bookmarking website is somewhat interesting. I can see how it could be beneficial for a lot of different reasons. At first glance if you are searching for a specific piece of information you can be directed to several websites that may be of assistance to you just by entering a search word. I can definitely see the benefits of using this as a research and teaching tool. Teachers could tag different websites so that there students can later go and look them up. I can also see how it would be helpful just to bookmark websites so that they can be viewed at a later time from anywhere. Personally, I don't know how I feel about others being able to log on and view the websites that I tagged. I think overall, this just like some of the other technologies that I have learned about thus far during this course could potentially be one that I continue to use after this course.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Google Docs Assignment
Google Docs would be very helpful for me as an athletic trainer. Having access to a program like google docs would allow me to make updates to injury reports or coaches report while on the road. So often as athletic trainers we spend so much of our time on the road traveling with our respected teams, requiring us to put our administrative duties on hold until we return. With access to google docs this wouldn't have to happen. I would have full access to all of documents and be able to update them without having to be in my office.
I have had the opportunity to learn about many new forms of technologies since my enrollment in KIN 710. Some I were familiar with and others I was not as familiar with. I do recognize these forms of technology to be very useful for me if I chose to use them in my social life. On the other hand I would not choose to use any of these technologies in the workplace. Since I work in the medical profession I am constantly handling confidential medical information. It would be unprofessional and illegal for me to share any of the information through any of these technologies learned so far.
Web 2.0 Assignment
I have been most intrigued with Facebook. Since being introduced to this social network I've been able to reunite with many of my close friends from elementary, Jr. high school, high school and college. Having access to this type of forum will allow us to stay in contact with each other for many years to come. It will also allow to keep in touch with new people that I come in contact with in the furture.
RSS Feeds Assignment
Although I don't really see myself using this very much I will do some more reading on it and play around with a little more. I don't have very much knowledge with computers, but I do find it interesting to learn about the different types of technologies. Maybe, once I get a better understanding of it and learn of more ways to use it I will get more into it.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My Thoughts on Microblogging
The concept of microblogging is very new to me. As I learn and get more familiar with it I could see myself considering to microblog after this course.
KIN 710 Assignment (week 2)

Saturday, May 16, 2009
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